Manukura GPS-History of Leadership

Manukura GPS-History of Leadership


Why do you think the way we think about Leadership is constantly changing over time?


I think leadership is changing constantly over time because society is also changing


Which of the leadership theories do you like the sound of the most? What makes it appealing to you?


I believe leading in your own way is my favorite theory because to me a very good leader is one that is unique and different


Which of the leadership theories to you disagree with the most? What is it that you don’t like about this?


I don’t like the Great Man because you might want to be a leader but if you are not born with it then you can’t be. So I don’t think leadership should be relied on if you were born a leader


~Kymani and Noah 

My test says I am an encourager. that means I tell people to never give up never back down that is what my hero said.

‘I believe that leadership is…’

I believe that effective leadership involves clear communication and leading by example through hard work. It’s important to be respectful to the person who is talking and ensure that you are not talking over them. Don’t pressure others to do the wrong thing. Instead, lead by positive example and encourage others to do the right thing.